WHO’S WHO Priest of Bridport Catholic ParishFr Colin GroombridgeTelephone 01308-424754E-mail: colin.groombridge@prcdtr.org.uk Honorary Assistant PriestFr. Cornelis Hooijmaijers DeaconRev. Mark BrownTelephone: 07530 710880 Parish Secretary Faith LeborgneTelephone: 01308 422 594E-mail: bridport@prcdtr.org.uk Lead Children CatechetistNatalie Williams Chairwoman Catholic Women’s LeagueMary Cattell Parish Treasurer and Bridport Choir LeaderRuth Jenkins Lead Servers Mike Murless Louise Heatley Stephan & Urszula Dubas Safeguarding JP Draper Faith Leborgne Chair of the Pastoral CouncilJon Jenkins Fire Safety OfficerRichard Parry Health & Safety OfficerMark Carter