Parish Choir

The parish choir supports the congregational singing at the 10:00 family Mass on Sunday mornings and at special Masses throughout the year. We often sing parts in harmony, particularly for the psalm and choral ‘set pieces’ during communion. We join other churches in Bridport for ecumenical services such as Taizé sung prayer, Christmas carol concerts and World Day of Prayer.

Other outreach work has been singing for the residents at Sydney Gale house, and at Peelers Court. We have also taken part in the annual Town Council Christmas Cheer event and the Music-a-Thon that was started by Jo O’Farrell, MBE.

You are welcome to join the choir no matter what your singing ability and knowledge of music.

We usually practise on alternate Thursday evenings. Please contact the choir leader, Ruth Jenkins, after the 10.00 mass for further information.