
Gift Aid

However you choose to make your donations, if you are a UK Tax Payer, then it is helpful to Gift Aid your contributions where possible. Gift Aiding is a valuable way to significantly increase the amount of money that you give without costing you any extra. In previous years, tax relief income through Gift Aid has provided around eight thousand pounds extra that our church would not otherwise have received. To find out how you can make more of your contribution through Gift Aiding, please contact Faith Leborgne at the Parish Office (T: 01308 422 594).

Weekly Offertory

A collection is taken during both the Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses for the maintenance and the day to day running of the parish and its mission.

Second Collection

These designated collections are taken as retiring collections after Masses and are mostly in aid of specific charities mandated by the Diocese or at the discretion of the Parish Priest. Part of the Church’s mission is to aid those who are in need both at home and abroad. Second Collections are generally pre-advertised in the Church’s weekly bulletin and further information supplied by the Parish Priest.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving by Standing Order (pledging a fixed amount on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis) is a regular commitment that allows our church to plan expenditure in advance. For information about how to set up a Standing Order contribution then please contact Faith Leborgne at the Parish Office (T: 01308 422 594).