The Catholic Women’s League CIO is a group of Catholic women of all ages working together and undertaking charitable works of all kinds. We serve our parishes whenever the need arises, socialising together and praying together.
We are a positive voice for the church and a group where love and friendship can be found.
The league was founded in 1906 for the education of women and has evolved over the years continuing to focus on charity work in the local community but also looking at national and international issues.
What our section does…..
We raise funds for Charity holding cake sales, raffles, and other events.
We serve the Church when called upon e.g. helping with refreshments.
Every march we support the Women’s World Day of Prayer.
We support national Projects.
Deacon Mark is our Spiritual director.
If you would like to know more about the League please contact Mary Cattell, who is the chairwoman for Bridport parish. Tel: 01308 423315
The website for the national Catholic Women’s League can be found at: